Does the Quran Say the Jesus Will Come Again to Tell Us to Worship Muhammad

  1. MyM

    January four, 2022
    Organized religion:

    sighs just stop information technology yous are not that intelligent as you may recall you read. Leave Islam lone and get bother someone else.
  2. Link

    Premium Member

    May 10, 2019
    Twelver seeker
    What will you lot exercise when she learns to ignore y'all similar me? Y'all will go alone, so attempt to brand friends.
  3. MyM

    Jan 4, 2022
    Organized religion:
    What does suratal Bayana accept annihilation to do with this?
    ARE you seriously maxim nosotros can't pray to Allah straight?
    I know that you lot accept to believe in Mohammad pbuh and likewise Allah but we don't go through Mohammad pbuh to become to Allah. Allah has NO PARTNERS. That would institute shirk big fourth dimension.
  4. Link

    Premium Member

    May 10, 2019
    Twelver seeker
    Actually, I was not talking about prayers. Only my experience in life, Allah (Swt) rejected my prayers when I did direct prayers to him ONLY and would ARGUE against TAWASUL, and merely began to accept when I do both direct prayers to God and other times ask Ahlulbayt (a) to intercede likewise and do ziyarats to them.

    My life was a mess and I even misunderstood Quran to the extent I wrote a volume "28 Issues" and linked it to, where people tried to help me for years to no avail.

    The Quran talks about hypocrisy and mentions the hypocrites don't like Rasool (s) asking forgiveness for them.

    I didn't remember Nabi (south) would accompany me in my soul world for 3 days and teach me how to fight, I didn't ask for that. All I Asked was that he intercede for my sins with God, but God was and so pleased with that, he turned my life around and I was able to do school again. I was highly suicidal at this signal likewise and in intense misery in life. Everything changed with Tawasul for me.

    The best cure for hypocrisy if you deceit' do Tawasul is Salawat. If you tin't get yourself to talk to Nabi (s) and his family (a), at least practice a lot of Salawat upon Mohammad (s) and his family unit (a).

  5. MyM

    Jan four, 2022

    In that location is no cause. We know what Mohammad pbuh said. We got authenticated ahadith that tell us exactly what we are supposed to know and do. We have the Glorious Quran wich Allah is protecting and is Non DISTORTED. We have information technology all.

    Our crusade is to attempt and spread Islam in a good way possible. To show people what information technology is. Nosotros don't bring people to islam to explain "sadness" and this is Allah didn't say that.

    "Verily, We, it is Nosotros Who have sent down the Dhikr (i.eastward. the Quran) and surely, We will guard it (from corruption)" [al-Hijr 15:9]

    Allah does not obligate anyone beyond his capacity. For him is what he has earned, and on him what he has incurred.

    "Our Lord, practice not concord usa accountable, if we forget or make a mistake, and, Our Lord, do not place on us such a burden as You have placed on those earlier u.s., and, Our Lord, do non make united states deport a burden for which we have no strength. And pardon united states, and grant us forgiveness, and have mercy on united states. Y'all are our Lord. And so then help the states against the disbelieving people." Baqarah 2:286

  6. Link

    Premium Fellow member

    May x, 2019
    Twelver seeker
    @MyM I volition come dorsum to all this. I've got assignments coming up. Going to take a intermission from this forum for a while.

    Cheers for good manners and expert discussion.

    I won't be back till afterward Wednesday Inshallah (have some other test on that day).

  7. MyM

    Jan iv, 2022

    Sorry this is where I must seriously disagree simply we already went through this before. I say we go straight to Allah and and then did Mohammad pbuh. And who are you to say that Allah didn't accept your prayers??? Nosotros know that the family of Mohammad pbuh are dead. and we know in Islam Mohammad pbuh said to call upon the dead is shirk.

    And your Lord said: Invoke Me (and ask Me for anything), I volition respond to your invocation. Verily! Those who contemptuousness My worship [i.e., practice non invoke Me and do not believe in My Oneness], they will surely enter Hell in humiliation! [Ghaafir 40:threescore

    If you invoke (or call upon) them, they hear not your phone call, and if (in case) they were to hear, they could not grant it (your asking) to y'all. And on the Day of Resurrection, they will disown your worshipping them. And none can inform you lot (O Muhammad), like Him Who is the All-Knower (of everything). [Faatir 35:13-14]

  8. 2ndpillar

    2ndpillar Well-Known Fellow member

    Dec 26, 2013
    The trouble in the US is of post-obit false gods and false prophets, in the form of the false prophet Paul, and the false prophet Marx. The same problem is with respect to the Muslim countries, but they have public executions to lower infractions of Muslim Sharia laws, and the reporting of those infractions, just they have infractions non the less, just without publication. Endeavour and wait up the rape rate in Afghanistan, or even UAE. How practice the Musim's even define rape? It is generally the raped women who is convicted of infidelity, often resulting in stoning. The statement confronting stoning was that Mhmd's young wife had a business firm caprine animal that ate that chapter out of the early on Quran. This would be helpful for her because she was suspected of committing adultery. Punishment for Adultery in Islam -- A Detailed Exam (

    Islamic rape: Under Islamic law, rape tin only exist proven if the rapist confesses or if there are 4 male witnesses. Women who allege rape without the benefit of the act having been witnessed by four men (who presumably develop a conscience afterwards) are actually confessing to having sexual activity. If they or the accused happens to be married, so it is considered to be infidelity.

  9. MyM

    January iv, 2022
    You told me uae was accursed...I only gave you statistics of the states and the horribleness of happenings within it and it isn't nearly false gods so you are the ane that should exist careful about the tongue goin off....its about where ya alive. So please JUST Stop insulting and go bother someone else.

    Yous are all over the place.

    You lot talk near Islam as if you know. You talk as if you know the legal systems. You lot act equally if you know all about the laws and the religion. Knowing what you think doesn't brand you an expert on how things are dealt with. You practise a google search and I guess that makes yous knowledgeable. sighs

    What is your organized religion?

    • Informative Informative x 1
  10. rational experiences

    Jan 2, 2020
    If science said Mohammad was the last a question I would ask is would the term exist the last of what?

    As messengers by star fall related to the mount fall of angels who spoke. Mount mass inverse.

    To a human brain mind changed who hears the voice.

    Then if Muhammad is said to be the last falling burning star. Then 1000AD said no it wasn't.

    Then Russian hit nigh another grand years said no it wasn't.

    Scientific discipline the studier of God the one earth and star fall was updated.

    Or y'all could ask does the terminate messenger God stone causes come as Mohammad by star autumn. Depending on what the final or cease inferred past the original pedagogy.

    I call up is what was asked. Which finish. The beginning that then ended by an set on or the stop of the first.

  11. There was no Sunni at the fourth dimension of Jesus.
    And so, what?
    Simply equally God sent Muhammad, afterwards, He sent 12 Imams after Muhammad.
  12. MyM

    Jan four, 2022

    well, that is what you lot believe and I don't .
  13. Imagine if you were born in a Christian Family who told yous only Jesus is the style, considering that'south what Holy Bible says:

    "Jesus answered, "I am the style and the truth and the life. No ane comes to the Begetter except through me"

    John 14:6

    Now, y'all hear some claim that afterward Jesus came another Prophet, with a Book chosen Quran. And so you say, this is surely a false prophet, because Our Holy Bible says, simply Jesus is the manner to God.

    Because you but seem so fanatical, and sure that you don't even want to look and hear the reasoning of others.

    Now, tell me, why would you lot even believe that later on Jesus who is the Merely Mode co-ordinate to your the Holy Bible, another Prophet comes and claims He has a revelation from God?
    I suggest sometimes you try putting yourself in someone else place and run across if you could fifty-fifty believe what you believe now.

  14. MyM

    Jan 4, 2022
  15. Right, but we are debating what conventionalities is true.
  16. MyM

    Jan 4, 2022
  17. MyM

    Jan iv, 2022
    Organized religion:

    I was born in a Christian family unit. I was raised Commencement Baptist. I was saved, I was baptized. I went to church constantly. Then I started thinkin of my own as I got older. Information technology's because I know what the others say and preach that perhaps I seem a bit harsh at times. But I have heard information technology over and over and over.

    I got fed up with not being told the truth. It seemed the more than I asked the more than I told was to just have faith, just don't ask and so many questions, it's non skillful just take organized religion. Over and over. And so I settled that I accept a brain and that I will take the Bible and write down everything Jesus said. I did that and I found out that he did not say a lot of what everyone is preaching. Many things they preach are taking out of context and misinterpreted co-ordinate to what they want you to believe and if you go against information technology, it's like they hate you for it. Case, you lot said, Jesus said, I am the way the truth and the life and no ane comes to the begetter only through me. This is Non saying Jesus is God. There is also another explanation. :) Whatsoever prophet that was sent, the people had to believe in that prophet to become to Paradise. Noah's time you had to believe in him, Abraham's time, y'all had to believe, Moses, David and Jesus. Doesn't brand anyone of them God. This is only one instance :)

    There are many many many places in the Bible that if you lot simply just retrieve outside the box well-nigh the genuinity of it. The way it is portrayed. How preachers teach Jesus is God when Jesus never claimed One time in the Bible he was. These things are what I am talking nigh.

    I bring them upwardly, and trust me, no one wants to have their organized religion questioned I totally sympathise that. Only I wish people would only think for themselves instead of "but being taught information technology, or born into information technology or preached it".

    • Winner Winner x 1
  18. That's great. So, even though the Bible says Jesus is the just fashion to God, even so you lot tin can believe in Muhamad, Quran and Sunnah.

    I don't know why though. Because it does not seem you care for Quran the same way. You just say, because Quran says, today religion is complete, so that'southward it. No more revelation. Just when the Bible says, Jesus the only fashion, you lot could still believe in another revelation.
    I hope I am clear what I'g trying to say.
    Then, if you could accept that, although Jesus said He is the but mode to God, yet, another Revelation from God was possible, why you lot cannot believe that, afterwards Quran, another Revelation is possible, even if information technology is said, it is complete.
    I never understood the logic. But anyways, all the best to you.

    • Winner Winner x 1


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