Packing a Camper Family Full Time Rv Living Storage Tips

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Wind Chimes on a Camper

  • Thread starter HappyTraveler
  • Showtime date
  • #i
I take to vent.
We are enjoying our meandering trip effectually the Keen Country of Texas and have really been blessed to exist able to stay at COEs and TSPs for the most part. However, b/c of the winter freeze and snow storm last month here, we had ane of our reservations canceled b/c of damage. Which is why we ended up at a KOA for the side by side week. We've stayed here before and for the most part information technology serves the purpose of allowing us to visit with family that are nearby, only allow's exist honest, it's little more than than a parking lot. Now, we are the ONLY PUP in the place and right next door to us is a big 5th bike. No problem, we knew this would be the case when nosotros made the reservations. But seriously, why do they have current of air chimes???? They also have LED cord lights that seem to be on 24/seven.
To summit information technology all off, the tempest system that hit the pan handle with all those tornados is now moving through our expanse and so information technology's really windy here. Those gosh darn current of air chimes are banging constantly. To pinnacle it all off, the clowns aren't even here!
OK, done with my rant.
  • #2
Anthony Hitchings
5th wheel mentality - bring the kitchen sink - and the air current chimes. But thank your luck stars that they don't take an outside Budgerigar cage.
  • #iii
5th wheel mentality - bring the kitchen sink - and the wind chimes. Only thank your luck stars that they don't take an outside Budgerigar cage.
Lumping the entire fifth bicycle community into one ignorant camper is a little excessive. We have all had a less than ideal camping neighbor close to us at one fourth dimension or another and they were not all in 5th wheels. I have a had few over the years and they were in pups, TT, even tents.
  • #four
I hang a wind chime.. its part of a solar led light.. now if the wind gets real bad like what your getting, I take the current of air chime down as it hangs on my canopy rolling bar and the awning would be retracted..

I too run 1 rope low-cal, normally forth the bottom of the TT, three led bucket lights and a set of decorative lights on the canopy.. now these get turned off every bit per campground rules (if any rules on lighting) or around eleven pm..

  • #five
I hang a wind chime.. its part of a solar led light.. now if the wind gets real bad like what your getting, I accept the wind chime down as information technology hangs on my awning rolling bar and the awning would exist retracted..

I also run 1 rope light, ordinarily forth the bottom of the TT, 3 led bucket lights and a gear up of decorative lights on the awning.. at present these get turned off as per campground rules (if any rules on lighting) or around xi pm..

See, wind chimes wouldn't carp me if they merely had them out when they were out in that location and during the twenty-four hours with a gentle breeze to tinkle them in one case in a while. Merely these guys aren't fifty-fifty here and the wind is really gusty right now. I really doubt they could hear them from inside their TT if they were hither; which is why I'd think yous'd accept them within if you're not outside anymore. The lights, yeah, seems like yous'd turn them off when you got to bed. Nosotros take several neighbors at habitation that have all their front outside lights on all dark long, and we have street lights, also. It'due south a safe neighborhood, so over again, not sure why they leave them on all night long, but they exercise. Which is why we take to proceed our windows closed and the curtains drawn year circular b/c it'south like landing planes beyond the street.
  • #six


2004 Fleetwood/Coleman Utah
I tin sympathise how wind chimes are a problem when your staying in a popup. I'thousand a very light sleeper, no way I will be able to sleep with the chimes going off all the time. On occasion I've requested my campsite neighbors to plow super bright lights off. Shame y'all can't do that for the current of air chimes. Though honestly I think I would have it down myself if no 1 is there during the night. If they question I would just be honest with them. During the day it wouldn't bother me likewise much, just no way could I listen to it all nighttime long in a wind storm. Good luck.
  • #7
  • #8
Tonya Harding
Buy a couple of Kazoos, an air horn, & ready one of these upwardly in the site for annoying neighbors...PSYOPs work in campgrounds too...


  • #9
I would go over and knock on there door. I had to practise it a bunch of times for lights, mostly people dont know they are bothering others. Less of a problem with the TT.
  • #10
There are inconsiderate campers in all sorts of equipment.
Wind chimes anywhere are a pet peeve of my hubby, so he would non be happy to have them nearby in a campground. Fortunately, we haven't encountered whatever in contempo years.
Lights are a funny matter, considering they range from unobtrusive to blinding. Even in dry out, by and large tent, campgrounds, you'll run into the occasional huge l light. Nosotros now mostly apply a bombardment LED light if we're sitting out; when we use the Coleman, we use a reflector to keep the calorie-free confined where it will do the most good. We do continue a bottle with solar lights tucked nether the trailer, near the footstep, because most places nosotros go are pretty dark. I have a 2d bottle, which is occasionally used to mark a take chances.
BTW, in some places in the SW, rope lights or such nether campers are often in that location to discourage pack rats. We finally figured that out at one of the SPs in AZ.
  • #11
Wind chimes would defininatly be annyoing...LED lights never carp me...What does annoy me is the people who drive around subsequently bedtime or early morning before sun upwards and their headlights light up your camper as they plow the corner.
What are they mayhap doing that late or early forenoon that they need to be out driving?
The parents that spend all weekend yelling at their kids and the people who tie upwardly their canis familiaris all weekend and let it bark non stop is the worst.
We had a couple that did that with their domestic dog and they would leave and go across the road and stay at their friends military camp all solar day.
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  • #12
IMHO, wind chimes should exist thought of every bit the same as generators. Think of your neighbors before you lot employ them. What may seem similar a swell idea to you does not hateful information technology works for everyone.
  • #13
I've been camping at a campground about an hour away from Ottawa where tent campers behind us hung a 150 watt spot light over a tree branch to light up their sites (5 families, used 2 sites to park on a 3 sites for 3 humongous ten or more person tents.. They left the lite on 24 hours a twenty-four hour period the entire weekend.. I didn't get mutter since 1 await at them, you lot knew they weren't campers.. all the vehicles had Government diplomatic plates and parking tags for i of the Consulates in Ottawa.. it was actually funny seeing them during the 24-hour interval, even while camping ground they were wearing role attire, ladies were wearing loftier heels... lol..
  • #14
But seriously, why practice they have wind chimes???? They besides have LED string lights that seem to be on 24/7.
Some people desire to be seen and heard, even if they are not there.
  • #15
Well, the current of air blew and gusted for quite a while terminal nighttime; nosotros went to bed about 10pm and our heads were about x feet from where the current of air chimes were hung (not a fan of the parking lot experience that is a Journeying KOA, but information technology was the only options for the dates we needed). Heard the neighbors come dwelling house about midnight. Most 20 minutes afterwards they got domicile, I heard their door open, some clattering of wind chimes, then blest silence!
Interestingly enough, the current of air died down nearly fifteen minutes afterward they took the chimes in.

Their LED rope lights are up under their rolled up canopy, so thinking it's not to go along pack rats or other rodents away. Those didn't bother me every bit much, b/c we have the reflectix in the windows. At present if I were all the same in a tent, then oh yep, every bathhouse calorie-free, headlight and trailer light would annoy me to no stop.

I know I could not live in an apartment or some other more communal type of living state of affairs. Nosotros endeavor to not do things that tin can affect or carp other people, both at home and while camping. I am always amazed at the complete lack of empathy or even a minimal thought for other people that some ignoramuses seem to accept while they go well-nigh their life. Just amazing.

  • #16
I heard their door open, some clattering of air current chimes, then blessed silence!
Interestingly enough, the wind died down nearly 15 minutes later on they took the chimes in.
Most wind chime hangers have a weak signal. It tin be found past hanging an boosted 200 pounds from the chimes.
  • #17
Well, the wind blew and gusted for quite a while last dark; we went to bed about 10pm and our heads were virtually 10 anxiety from where the wind chimes were hung (non a fan of the parking lot experience that is a Journey KOA, simply it was the just options for the dates nosotros needed). Heard the neighbors come habitation about midnight. Nigh twenty minutes after they got dwelling house, I heard their door open up, some clattering of current of air chimes, and then blessed silence!
Interestingly enough, the air current died downward well-nigh xv minutes after they took the chimes in.

Their LED rope lights are up under their rolled up awning, and so thinking information technology's not to continue pack rats or other rodents away. Those didn't carp me every bit much, b/c we have the reflectix in the windows. At present if I were nevertheless in a tent, and so oh yes, every bathhouse low-cal, headlight and trailer lite would annoy me to no finish.

I know I could non live in an apartment or some other more communal type of living situation. We endeavor to non practice things that tin bear upon or carp other people, both at home and while camping. I am always amazed at the consummate lack of empathy or even a minimal thought for other people that some ignoramuses seem to have while they become nearly their life. Simply astonishing.

yes...Nosotros like our privacy...we catch flack from family because or blinds at home are ever pulled and we have blackout curtains.
Nosotros avoid opening windows because of noise and grit.
Out camping we rarely open windows...fifty-fifty if its nice out we run AC fan and close windows.
  • #18
Well, the wind blew and gusted for quite a while last night; we went to bed about 10pm and our heads were about 10 anxiety from where the wind chimes were hung (not a fan of the parking lot experience that is a Journey KOA, but it was the simply options for the dates we needed). Heard the neighbors come up home about midnight. About xx minutes later on they got home, I heard their door open, some clattering of wind chimes, then blessed silence!
Interestingly plenty, the current of air died down about fifteen minutes afterward they took the chimes in.

Their LED rope lights are up under their rolled upward awning, and then thinking information technology'southward non to proceed pack rats or other rodents abroad. Those didn't bother me as much, b/c we take the reflectix in the windows. Now if I were however in a tent, and then oh yeah, every bathhouse light, headlight and trailer low-cal would badger me to no end.

I know I could non live in an apartment or some other more communal type of living situation. Nosotros attempt to non exercise things that can impact or bother other people, both at home and while camping. I am always amazed at the complete lack of empathy or even a minimal idea for other people that some ignoramuses seem to have while they go about their life. Simply amazing.

I'd become over when it's dark and cut the strings, or maybe just use a twist necktie? My neighbors have their Christmas lights on until at least Easter. Every twelvemonth for the concluding twoscore years, and I've ever wanted to cutting their electric lights string, ever, never did. I'm also chicken.
  • #19

It'south a GOOD idea to keep ear plugs in your PopUp. I kept some in my former Aliner and now in KODI. A couple of camping trips earlier, the camping ground neighbors stayed up until 6am, singing and drinking the night abroad. Simply we were able to sleep because of ear plugs. And that'due south why I'1000 not worried about using my Honda EU2000i in the mornings.

Happy Camping ground...[put&hy]

  • #xx

It'southward a Expert idea to keep ear plugs in your PopUp. I kept some in my old Aliner and at present in KODI. A couple of camping trips before, the camping neighbors stayed upwardly until 6am, singing and drinking the night abroad. But nosotros were able to slumber because of ear plugs. And that's why I'm not worried about using my Honda EU2000i in the mornings.

Happy Camping...[put&hy]

Hondas I hear, are serenity, I can't wear or cant stand, either way, earplugs. Glad they work for y'all however. My husband snores, the neighbors lights, a lot of things problems me, and earplugs dont aid. I did attempt them more than than once, so there'southward that. We had what seemed like nice young camper neighbors move in side by side to the states, then they stayed up all night, I put in ear plugs, and it only deadened the sound and made my ears itchy.
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